IceMyth :
The only looser will be EU at the end...The problems between US and China will be solved. If not, the EU will be forced to buy US technologies because in this case they kicked out the competitor under unreal (none existing) claim of China is spying them and still in this case they will loose more.
1) There is only one "o" in "lose" there hot shot.
2) The EU can develop their own tech companies. Tell us why that has not happened for the past three decades of computer and cell phone growth?
3) What tech are you referring to made in the USA? Certainly not Apple or an ASUS motherboard or a Samsung TV.
4) If you don't think China has stolen tech from the West in past decades and don't have the capability to do so now in their microcircuit builds, you are about the most ill-informed person I've come across on Tom's.
IceMyth :
I didn't know that US had many slaves in EU, even though and to my knowledge euro was to create an EU identity and to fight US dollar but seems I was wrong. Despite that, lets see how western countries will survive (I am talking about middle class and below) when prices will jump up.
You truly have no idea what you are talking about do you? That or you are young and severely indoctrinated with mush. The EU was the worst thing to happen to European nations since World War II. You cannot have a single currency shared among different economies and political dynamics of nations. It does not nor will it ever work. Ask the Romans how that trial period worked out long term for them.
There's a reason the British wanted out as the biggest example: they did not want Brussels based bureaucrats telling them what kinds of tea pots they can buy because of "the environment." Want to piss a Brit off? Mess with his tea. Further, they did not want to bail out Greece's failed economy by their over-socialist government. And don't get me started on how the EU has bullied the Irish dairy farmers who have ZERO care for selling dairy products beyond local only.
If there is any slavery here, it's that European nation citizens are slaves to a few fat cat Brussels bureaucrats. I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone from another nation tell me how *I* will live and work. Of course I have the luxury of living in the US where we fight against that kind of tyranny and have independent states with laws outside of the big fat federal government nanny state.
IceMyth :
If they really want to fight China then the equation below should happen.
Made Locally (US/EU) <= Same price as buying from China. Otherwise, it didnt solve anything even if you increase jobs but you didnt increase the income for who is working.
[face palm] - Your severe lack of understanding how economics works even locally, let alone in a competitive international environment, is striking. Please read a book or two. Or five.