The world needs a power like china to oppose the US who is greedy and selfish and really only cares about them selves and ultimately wants the rest of the world to remain little and much less rich. That is not how man is suppose to live, in inequality, people with nothing on one side of the world while US corporations are worth trillions, its absolutely shameful. Bertrand Russel in the 1950s said the world is hideous, its truly hideous, well it just goes to show you that all things are relative.
We need a balance of power in the world or else there literally isn't anything to keep the US inline, they are becoming too powerful, too corrupt, and influential and that is dangerous, which will become more apparent later in the century to western allies once environmental stressors are enormous. When the world is in a crisis, its the US who overall benefits and they love that, they love being able to spend a trillion each year on military when each passing year other countries economies just fold and deteriorate. Their tools are not rationalism, instead they are just bias, antagonistic, and hypocrites, just behaving childish accusing other countries of wrong doing based on what they think is right rather than what actually is.
The sanctions are just going to make China more determined to become powerful and fully self sufficient. Everything the US is doing is fundamentally broken, they have the biggest military budget, but isn't it funny they also have the biggest threats? 20yrs in Afgan to replace the taliban with the taliban, yep they cant fix the worlds problems and deep down they know it. That is whats scary! The attempt to fix things and just make them worse.
We haven't seen the big picture yet as it’s distorted by bias media, wait until 2030+ at least, then you will see Chinas potential.