This is a long one I'm sorry. Really confused on this one... I was about to buy a new gtx 1070 but the problem is I have a very outdated Intel i7 920 processor and mobo... I know.. I need a upgrade. I'm not a gamer but I am a musician who uses software that has a lot of graphics heavy applications which is why I want a great gpu. Unfortunately I'm not rich and far from it but I bought a 1080p 144 gsync monitor wanting to pair it up with a gtx 1070. Again I don't game but I use software thats very graphics heavy and I'm looking for that smooth fps we all love.. Gpu bottlenecking is my biggest problem right now.. How bad would a new gtx 1070 bottleneck with a i7 920? What would be the performance drop? Would it be worth it to spend 480 on a gpu that will bottleneck or would the smarter choice be to buy a new motherboard that supports an i7 6700k? It's either the gtx 1070 for $480 that will most likely bottleneck or a new Mobo that supports i7 6700k for less than $500. But then no graphics card... I don't know what to do. I don't have $900+ to spend all at once. I'm hoping I can get the 1070 and the bottleneck won't be so bad that it's Unsuable or not worth it. Any experience from you let me know. Your advise would be highly appreciated. Thank you.