Huge Frame Drops in BF4 with my GTX 770


Nov 22, 2014
Hey guys! In the last days I've been having huge frame drops in Battlefield 4 with my GTX 770 (in the last few weeks it was running smoothly). I've already made a fresh install of my Windows 7, installed new and old drives and it still happens. I play with with everything in low, but the texture quality that is in medium, antialiasing deferred is in 2x MSAA and antialiasing post is in medium. I think it's only BF4, because I played Mirror's Edge in the best configs and Crysis 2 in "very high" configs and both were really smooth, with no frame drops. In MSI Afterburner, while playing BF4 there are huge drops in GPU usage, but it doesn't happen with Mirror's Edge and Crysis 2, so I think the problem is only with BF4

These are the GPU drops(where the arrow is pointing):

I also recorded a video, just for you to see the drops:

Here are my specs: (Nothing is OC)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A
CPU: Intel I7-4790K 4.00Ghz (All the CPU cores are unparked)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 (board manuf. - nvidia)
Memory: 16GB - 2x Corsair Vengeance 8GB
Power Supply: Corsair CX 750M - 750 Watt
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

I hope someone can help me, I'll be glad for it!
I looked at your video, I suggest you set everything to ultra and remove the 4x msaa.
Because you're getting 160 fps with your settings and unless you're using a 144 hz panel such high fps is useless..
You can also try using the Geforce experience recommended settings which might work better.

The Map that you are playing is operation locker and depending on the server significant drops are possible, the best way to reduce frame drops is to sell the 770 and buy a 970 however you still might get some drops on that map sometimes...
Getting windows 8.1 will also give you a boost...

Good luck!

I've already tried it, didn't work 🙁

I did it, but it didn't work, I'm still having the frame drops and GPU Usage is still oscillating a lot! 🙁
Your CPU temps are uncomfortably high, and are edging very close to the thermal throttling point, I think that may be part of your problem. Your CPU cores should not be reaching 90 to 95 degrees celsius. Try reapplying the thermal paste on your CPU and remount the CPU cooler, and see if you can get those temps down, even with the stock cooler, you shouldn't be going much over 70 degrees celsius on your CPU.

Mine is the stock cooler, so I'll try to do it later, thanks!

I did it, reapplyed the thermal paste, but it still doesn't work, I still have the frame drops. With perfoverlay.drawgraph this is what happens every time I have a FPS drop: (look at the beggining, that huge line)
This time it was both lines, but sometimes just the yellow one goes up.

Sorry but.... how do I do this? Couldn't find any good tutorial 🙁

In CPU-Z it looks like each core Voltage stay between 0.750V and 1V

And in which voltage should I set? The strange thing is, I was playing Crysis 2 on Ultra High, and Cpu was near 75°C all the time, the problem is only with Battlefield 🙁

Thanks so much for helping me!
yes, multiplayer version needs a bit more juice than campaign version, i got stutter 5 mins ago, closed my browser with the battlelog, stutter is gone, now i can play ultra,

edit: doesn't intels run hotter than amds? i got only a max of 58c on load, and 20c on idle.

I tried the adaptive mode, it feels a little bit better, but I'm still having drops. Cpu temp. is staying near 80°C but Gpu usage is oscillating a lot.

Which voltage should I change? Cpu cache, cpu core?

Wow, I haven't thought about the hsf but it may be the problem, because it was harder than I thought to install the CPU cooler and I saw many tutorials in which people would lift the motherboard by the cooler, but if I did that it would disattach. I think my cooler came with a problem, I don't know, but I think it's a good idea to buy a new one.