Hmm.. I've got Hulu without commercials, definitely a great option and well worth it in my opinion. Of course now, the miser in me is wondering if my rate will decrease by $2/month. Every penny counts. I do currently have Netflix also but I have the feeling that any hikes on that side are going towards even more Netflix productions and not so much for the Movies that had always been what I had it for. I dunno.. Between those & Amazon Prime Video, there's going to be a tightening of my belt before too long. Hulu is great for TV shows and more good movies have been popping up there for a while now. With Amazon Prime Video being a perk of the Prime membership, it kinda feels like Netflix is the one going further out on a limb (to me.) I hope that Netflix can bring in the Blockbusters or.., well... Let's see what they do with their offerings ..they are going to have to earn that extra out of my pocket.