Hyper 212 + Thermal Paste


Mar 13, 2013
I was wondering if anyone here uses CLU on their CPU? I'm going to be delidding my 3770k when it arrives using CLU, and was wondering if you could use it not only for the IHS, but for the paste between your CPU and cooler. Anyone think it would work fine with the Hyper 212 Evo? Only problem I see is people say it doesn't come off well with some coolers, and that wouldn't be a problem for me, but I'm upgrading to water cooling within 6 months and will have to remove it. Any ideas?

Just want to make sure I'm using high quality stuff, since it could be the difference between how hot my system runs. I could probably get away with using it for the layer between the CPU and 212, but I'm failry sure I'm going with the good stuff under the IHS after delidding.