So I finished my new build tonight, all seemed to be working perfectly until a few minutes ago.
I was doing prime95 tests all night with good temps, no problems. All of the sudden I hear a kind of shrill buzzing coming from my case, like the mobo speaker only not coming from there, coming from my CPU aread. It's just this constant tone.
No warnings come up on my computer, I freaked out and shut it down.
Started it up again, everything was going good, then suddenly the tone happens again. I was not running prime95, the PC was just idling thankfully, but I had RealTemp open when it happened. I quickly looked at the temps, all were very low and fine at idle.
So I shined my flashlight into the top of the case and my CPU FAN WAS NOT SPINNING.
I immediately shut it down via the front button.
I definately have the CPU fan connected correctly because as I said, it was running smoothly for a few hours. Now I get this deathly sound. I really hope it isn't a faulty motherboard, someone said that shrill sound may have been the bearings in the fan....
I was doing prime95 tests all night with good temps, no problems. All of the sudden I hear a kind of shrill buzzing coming from my case, like the mobo speaker only not coming from there, coming from my CPU aread. It's just this constant tone.
No warnings come up on my computer, I freaked out and shut it down.
Started it up again, everything was going good, then suddenly the tone happens again. I was not running prime95, the PC was just idling thankfully, but I had RealTemp open when it happened. I quickly looked at the temps, all were very low and fine at idle.
So I shined my flashlight into the top of the case and my CPU FAN WAS NOT SPINNING.
I immediately shut it down via the front button.
I definately have the CPU fan connected correctly because as I said, it was running smoothly for a few hours. Now I get this deathly sound. I really hope it isn't a faulty motherboard, someone said that shrill sound may have been the bearings in the fan....