HyperX Fury vs Corsair Vengeance


Apr 3, 2017
Hi, i want to ask what is better HyperX fury DDR3L or Corsair Vengeance DDR3 both are 4gb 1600mhz. Now i got one HyperX DDR3L 4Gb 1600mhz Single channel and i want to instal one more 4Gb RAM.

Can i instal if one is Single channel ram and other one is dual channel ram? It will not effect perfomance? Just in case...
Stick with the hyperx fury - you stand a much better chance of them running fine together in dual channel mode if they're the same stick.

So i want just duoble check if i get one more HyperX fury DDR3L 4Gb 1600mhz and both will be Single channel rams they will work fine in Dual channel mode?
There is a good chance but its not 100% certain.

As The Paladin has said , you are better with a matched dual channel pair in the first place as these will have been tested to run together.

However , I peroanallg have never had an issue running non matched pairs in a dozen or so seperate builds .