Since you have both processors, why not try the 7700 and see if you do better on YOUR games.
This is my plan for now, was just curious if it was even worth it. Seems the common answer is yes, so I'll be trying it out. At worst all I have invested is some time and thermal paste. I just finished up a suite of testing with the 6600K. Some benchmarks and gameplay, now I'm gonna let the pc cool off and do the swap.
Here's my 6600K results, 4.2ghz and stock gpu and ram:
CB15 - single core - 163. Multi - 594. This is just one single run. not an average. My best multi was 696, but that was a much higher clockspeed.
CB20 - single core - 386. Multi - 1482.
Timespy - Gfx - 10,986. CPU - 3,466. Score - 8,288
Firestrike - Gfx - 27,816. CPU - 8,078. Physics - 8,407. Score - 17,487
Some gaming, using in game benchmarks and gameplay. Using MSI afterburner. All games tested in 2560x1440, maxxed out settings.
Doom 2016 - Cpu usage - 90-95avg, spikes of 97. Gpu usage - 68-85. FPS average - 200. Fps stayed solid at 200, with minor dips to 180 when there was alot going on. Very smooth gameplay at all times.
Resident Evil 2 - Cpu usage pretty much maxxed at 100, with some lows of around 95. Gpu - 94-97. Fps average over 100, dips to 80, max of around 120. Very smooth gameplay at all times.
Ghost Recon:Wildlands - Cpu - 100 at all times, if i saw a dip it was still in the high 90s. Gpu - 97 this was the average and it seemed to stay pretty consistent. Fps stayed around the 60 range with some dips in the upper 50s and a max in the low 70 range. Gameplay is less than smooth with some minor stuttering\twitchiness. Still very playable. Just gets stuttery when a lot is going on. The benchmark in the game gave some slightly different results. Cpu - min 81, max 94, avg 88.8. Gpu - 97.
Far Cry 5 - cpu - 100. Gpu - 75 on average. Fps - 75-90. The benchmark mode again displayed slightly different results than afterburner. Cpu - 100. Gpu - 79-85. Fps average 78.
Far Cry:New Dawn - Cpu - 94-100. Gpu - 89-96. Fps 80-100, with some dips and spikes anywhere from high 60s to well over 120. Benchmark mode again some variation from afterburner. Cpu - 90-100. Gpu - 80-85. fps average 72. Gameplay for both farcry5 and new dawn were very similar. Mostly smooth with some stuttering during intense moments, as well as some very random stutters. Very playable.
GTA V - Cpu - 84-100, mostly staying closer to 100. Gpu - 65-89. Average fps was close to 100. Benchmark had some variance again. Cpu - 92-100. Gpu - 95-97. Fps averaged in the 100s, but had some serious dips during the last benchmark scene dipping into the high 50, low 60 range. The game is stuttery, but playable. no real complaints, as I've played through a couple times now, but it could be smoother.
Battlefield V - Cpu - 100 at all times. Gpu - all over the place, my guess is because of the high cpu usage, but it was bouncing around between 40-99. Fps averages in the 70-80 range though with very rare dips. Playable but very stuttery\twitchy. I can only play for short periods because of this. I'm assuming it's just the way it is with such high demands placed on the cpu, and the graphic settings I'm using. Hoping the cpu change will allow for smoother gameplay. If not I will be adjusting graphics, so I can actually enjoy playing for more than 15 minutes or so at a time.
Devil may cry 5 - cpu - 55-65. Gpu - 45-70, highest spike i saw was low 80s. Fps averages well over 100, and gameplay is buttery smooth.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - cpu - 98-100. Gpu - 73-88. Fps is between 68-100, with some rare dips below 60 and some rare spikes over 100 when very little is going on. Benchmark mode - cpu - 100. gpu - 97, average fps 82. Gpu bound 22%, we'll see if that number changes with the cpu swap. Game is very playable and for the most part very smooth, with some minor stuttering in areas with a lot of grass\foliage.
I have several other games, but figure those results will be about the same as these. And some of these are known to be very cpu demanding. Time to let the pc cool and do this all over again!! hopefully with some good results. I think it will be very interesting to see how a similar core speed along with the hyperthreading will help in some of these titles.