I ABSOLUTELY HATE STEAM and this is why!!!


Sep 12, 2013
Every single time i try to play a casual game of counter strike or dota 2 every singe time everybody in my game has a pornographic avatar and picture. I should be able to sit and relax and play a 16+ game without seeing 21+ photos. Please steam, incorporate a way to block avatars ( without have to view their page which includes a full scale version of their avatar photo). Just make a button to hide avatars or something like a kids mode. THANKYOU!!! :??:
That's not steam's fault, it's the stupid gamers who think that's funny. Steam is a great service, but the community built on it is only as good as it's people.
Sorry man, you are just going to have to ignore it. People are immature and think it's cute to do stupid crap like that. I remember playing CS way back in the day and having stupid people with pornographic sprays. Parent's saw it once and were like "uhhh" - I just told them how it is and they realized I approached it in a mature manner, and they didn't really care.

Just grow up and approach it in a mature manner. It's either that or focus on single player games, since the human element will always be there to ruin your games. 🙁
wow, i cant even stand counterstrike itself.. it was fantastic back on the original xbox when i first played it.. but this was before certain aspects were implemented into FPS games that have become a standard.. like aiming down the sites.. counterstrike still doesnt get it and the CS community think theyre more elitist because the game they have doesnt use it.. for the most part, the CS community is a bunch of immature douchebags
Seriously I have never done it I don't enjoy it BUT I am an adult so it really doesn't bother me if you are a concerned parent the best thing you can do is not have working internet at home so your child can play single player because people online use foul language anyway.

Most of the games online such as counterstrike have an age restriction on it (DOTA 2 not so much but trolls be trolling, let your kid or play LoL yourself there are only given avatars not custom ones) and so you are not really entitled to complain about adult content because you are suppose to be an adult and even though you may take offense to it or not enjoy it they are entitled to their freedom just like a satanist is entitled to having a 666 Pentagram Avatar and a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim player are allowed to have their religious symbols as avatars. This guy is probably a pervert in any case so I feel bad for him really...

I like having cartoons as my avatar not because I am childish but because the villains in the cartoons I like are bad ass (I am talking about Marvel & DC)
Xbox's are great for children. They're easy to use and fun. The thing is, the second you step on Xbox Live, you'll have a 13 year old child who has got home an hour before his parents get home, who's trying to attack you over a £9.99 microphone from Argos. The reality is you're never going to stop people from destroying community's, pointless blaming Steam.