I accidently deactivated my speakers on my computer.

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Aug 1, 2016
I accidently deactivated my speakers on my computer. And now can't activate them again for some reason, and would like some assistance.

Thanks in advance.
or ya can flat out uninstall the device in the device manager and restart and recheck to se if the device reinstalled or manualy scan for hardare changes. also look for a updated spound driver on your mother board sound card or computer manufactures web site
Thanks for the replies. I've tried to find out what's wrong. It says: Code 45: Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer .. Which I find very odd as I have put the jackstick into the slot where it's supposed to be, and checked the other end as well.. And I just bought a new jackstick cable today.. So I'm beginning to think it's the speakers themselves, which is odd, as there is a reaction when I plug in the jackstick, then I can hear the speakers sort off activate, if you can call it that.. (Sorry if it's explained weird, but english is hard sometimes when you're from a different country)

Thanks in advance, and I really do appreciate it.
or ya can flat out uninstall the device in the device manager and restart and recheck to se if the device reinstalled or manualy scan for hardare changes. also look for a updated spound driver on your mother board sound card or computer manufactures web site
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