I am building a 1000 dollar pc in Canadian dollars need to know if its wortit



i am needing helo deciding if this is worth it, i am building this pc, and i have a gtx 970 already for 230 dollara CA, i plan to profite off of this, i bought the parts from a nearby store very cheap, here is what i am about to pay: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/JmNLcY


Feb 4, 2017
The build is rather good value, but in my personal opinion, going for the Samsung 850 EVO ssd is a slight waste of money. For about the same price you can find almost twice the capacity when going with this Kingston drive for example: amazon.ca/Kingston-Digital-480GB-SA400S37-480G/dp/B01N0TQPQB/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1529343725&sr=1-4&keywords=480gb+ssd
Another way to save money is by going for a similar Kingston 240gb drive and buying a 2TB hard drive instead of the 1TB one.
It is really up to you to decide if you want twice the amount of bulk storage or fast storage.