I am building my first gaming computer i want to see if i have a good build.


Aug 14, 2014
i want to see if this is a good setup or if i should change anything. the cooler is acutally 50 dollars. also i dont know what the difference beewtween the windows discs are.


i want to do youtube videos so i need a mic to record the videos. if you could please recommend one that would be great

i am trying to stay under 2000$

thanks :)

Don't get a turtle beach headset, i've had 3 in the past 6 months, they all broke.
Get the Corsair Vengeance 1500 V2 or Corsair Vengeance 2100 headset, way better audio quality, and they're more durable.

For your build, looks good.

Don't get a turtle beach headset, i've had 3 in the past 6 months, they all broke.
Get the Corsair Vengeance 1500 V2 or Corsair Vengeance 2100 headset, way better audio quality, and they're more durable.

For your build, looks good.

i'm not saying the quality is bad, its just that they all break. either at the headband from the headset, or the wires.
happened to my last 3, my brothers 2 and all my friends that had one.

Conclusion: don't buy a turtle beach unless you want to buy a new one every 2 months.
Looks nice, can't remember what room you have in that case but if you can fit a bigger radiator up there then do it, especially if you're overclocking :) also (if you're as lazy as me) mount your radiator so that it goes radiator/fans/roof so that the fans pull the air through instead of push, you might lose a coupe degrees but it's a hell of a lot easier to clean!

P.s. I swear by the xl seinheiser headset, but I have stupidly large ears and need the space 😛