Yet to try, just ask can, the key 🔑 for fresh installation 11 pro appropriate for upgrade 11 home to pro?Then you need to purchase a license to change from Home to Pro.
If you have a valid, legal WIn 11 Home install, and you purchase a valid, legal Win 11 Pro apply that license to the Win 11 HOme install, and it will upgrade it to 11.Yet to try, just ask can, the key 🔑 for fresh installation 11 pro appropriate for upgrade 11 home to pro?
"cheap a license of Windows 11 Pro 30$ purchased"My laptop came Windows 10 home, Windows 11 home free update, i updated to 11 home, and having cheap a license of Windows 11 Pro 30$ purchased, can I apply this cheap license to the update, from 11 home to 11 pro...?
What you mean by: blacklisted...?And in the future it will get blacklisted.
The license will get turned off by Microsoft. Maybe not right away, but sooner or later they will catch up to that bogus license.What you mean by: blacklisted...?