I am looking for a graphics card for my hp z400


Jan 17, 2015
Hi guys.

I have a hp z400 pc with w3520 processor @ 2.67 ghz.

It has a 475 watt bronze power supply.

I was planning to get a gpu for my pc so that i could start gaming.

I was planning to get a gtx 1060 6G so i came here to ask is my processor compatible with this card and will it work fine?

And if not, can you please recommend me a good processor for a 1060?

Thankyou in advance and look forward to your answer.


I see you haven't gotten any answers to your question. Have you figured out what you need to know yet?

Regardless, for the benefit of anybody else looking at this thread, i'll do my best to help answer you question, or at least provide some insight.

I have a Z400 motherboard in my main PC. I run a GTX 1050 Ti, which is an Nvidia Pascal GPU. I've had no issues with the card so far. This leads me to believe with much certainty that the GTX 1060 6GB should be 100% compatible with your Z400 workstation, given the right power supply, cooling and OS.

Now seeing as you have the stock Z400 475W PSU, you should be good in terms of power draw. You'll probably just need a good quality Molex to PCIe 6 or 8 pin adapter for powering the card.

One other thing I might mention is your CPU. Your W3520 is a respectable processor but if you're comfortable with overclocking, the Xeon W3570 can be had for $20 used on eBay and is unlocked. This means that using software like ThrottleStop, you can achieve sometimes 4GHz+ with your HP Z400 motherboard. This makes the W3570 a $20 beast of a CPU for the Z400. It's just something to consider, let me know if you're interested.

Good luck with your setup!
- bhogervorst