I am planning to build a pc with amd fx6300 or i3 for which ishoud go this is for gaming & i want best experience


Jan 19, 2016
Which would be better for gaming fx 6300 or i3 which will give best frame rates + better boot time
6300. Only because the i3 is only a dual core, which will hold you back in most games. If you ever plan to buy an Intel CPU that is an i5+, always go for intel. Otherwise, AMD is a solid choice on a budget. Good luck building the PC! :)
6300. Only because the i3 is only a dual core, which will hold you back in most games. If you ever plan to buy an Intel CPU that is an i5+, always go for intel. Otherwise, AMD is a solid choice on a budget. Good luck building the PC! :)
if you spend 100 bux on a cpu then rule would be spend twice amount on the gpu so assuming you have a 200 dollar gpu..better boot times thats dependant on having games on a SSD not a HDD. If i were you with todays games id try to find a way to grab an intel i5 dual core.. ...
but your question depends on allot..are you gonna upgrade down the line? what gpu are you pairing with? you gonna Overclock? what game or games you play? cpu dependant mobos and/or mmorpgs? or more gpu dependant games?

That's not true. The I3 6100 is pretty powerful for only being dual core.

I'm running one with a 750 TI SC and 8gb of ddr4, and most every game i play is getting 60 FPS on medium or high settings.
(Fallout 4 with medium settings and extended draw distances, and GTA V with high settings except textures.)

That being said, go for the I3 for upgrades. An I7 6700 is what I'm gonna get down the road when i can't play modern titles anymore.

I know, the i3 CPU's are very solid for being dual core. But some games will be held back (not all) and a few games wont even run on dual core CPU's. Plus, I don't think he is gonna get DDR4 and stuff so I suspected that he would get a different i3.