I am shocked.


Jan 25, 2005
Please help me. My computer craves for my death. It eloctrocutes me regulary. I get eloctrocuted in the following cirrcumstances: When I touch the metal parts of the case. When I touch open ends of cables connected to the comp, as the speaker cable or the USB to the camera. And last but not least, I was shocked while playing my electric bass, when the amplifier was leaning against the comp! electricity flowed from the strings to my fingers!!! That was spooky. Anyway right now I'm afraid to touch it. And I'm not connecting my precious digital camera to the computer until I solve this prob. Do you think that I should replace the Power Supply, or perhaps there is something else I should check, or should I just call a pro? Thanks for your time, cool-RR.
take everything out of the case and install them properly.

OK it's your choice:
You can have the boat, or you can have the Mystery Box!
...Hey wait a minute! A boat's a boat, but a Mystery Box could be anything. It could even be a boat


Oct 11, 2001
im no expert but id say you have a grounding problem. you should test the computer on a different socket, preferably in a different room. you may have a wiring problem with the power in your place. sounds like the third ground isnt grounded. it is highly unlikely that your power supply is shorted on anything in the case, or any device. if its enough to shock you just by touching the case it would have ruined somthing by now.

this is my boomstick!


Jan 25, 2005
Okay I think I solved it, it appears to have been a grounding problem as you said, but only in one outlet, so now I use this outlet only for things that don't use grounding. But I am afraid that my sb value did not survive. I guess I'll have to get him examined by a doctor. Thanks for the help dudes.