I am the victim of fraud on newegg.com and my experiance was very bad

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Sep 26, 2018
Hello everyone I am sorry too bother you with this but I am very sad and I have been crying today because I cannot believe that newegg would do this too me I have been a loyal newegg customer for over a decade but nomore.
I ordered a motherboard from newegg without checking the seller reviews(he has over 12 reviews all 1 star and everyone has been the victim of fraud just like me) I forgot too check seller reviews when I ordered my mobo.
I contacted newegg last week asking for refund because after 20 days tracking number was still inactive and all reviews seller had say it is fraud and that they never got the item or they're refund? Over 12 people?
Last week they tell me that if he does not give valid tracking number I will get refund and they apologized that I was going through this.
Seller responds with no tracking # I ask him for one and he never responded again.
So I contacted newegg asking for a refund and they could not help me.
My older brother wont let me order a new motherboard until I get refund so I am very sad I will no longer have a computer for who knows how long.
If over 12 people have been the victim of fraud why does newegg still let him sell items on newegg.com?
If over 12 people have been the victim of fraud and they tell me they will refund me if he does not provide valid tracking WHY WONT THEY REFUND ME AFTER HE DID NOT PROVIDE VALID TRACKING!!!!!
I just re-read this and I am crying I remember building my best friend from elementary school's first pc using newegg, I remember I asked on these forums like 4 years ago or 7 about what parts too put into a $700 dollar gaming pc and when you guys helped me I ordered them from newegg
You have lost a loyal customer for life.
Lol I'm so emotional I started crying again when I read this third time. 🙁(((((((((((((((((((((
I'm so sad.
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how did you play for it? could stop the payment

probably need to follow procedure
My older brother paid with his Visa he is currently on the phone with newegg I told him too ask if over 12 people have been scammed why do they still let him sell things on newegg?
Also i am trying too follow procedure i have contacted newegg they contacted him on my behalf and even said that If he did not respond in 2 days or if he did not provide valid tracking they would give refund he did not provide valid tracking and when I ask for tracking he never responds again.
When I contact newegg about this they don't issue refund like they said they would?
I have been crying all morning no lie I'm so sad man.
contact visa, do a chargeback

newegg probably busy, you know black friday, cyber monday.

you should have checked the seller.
Yes I have learned a very tough life lesson always check seller reviews.
Question I ordered a m.2 ssd thermal paste and the motherboard can I still do a charge back? I want too keep m.2 and thermal paste like can visa still help me? And dude the reviews on the sellers page all started at Month 6 of this year it has been 5 or 6 months of people being scammed by this guy and newegg still does not take him off newegg? This is not acceptable let me create a account too upload pictures so I can share screenshots of everything

if you start the chargeback. probably not going to get m.2 themal paste and motherboard until it is settle.
might just as well cancel the hold order
That's the problem I ordered this over 20 days ago so the thermal paste and m.2 are already here the motherboard was from different seller so it never arrived 🙁((( and I purchased everything together🙁
then let visa know that when you do the charge back, you got partial shipment
Ty so much for your help I will tell me brother too call visa asap! I seriously appreciate your time man no lie you are the only person too actually help me!! Tom hardware mods rock!
In the future, I would suggest to others (and you) to avoid the 3rd party sellers for this very sort of issue. You are not the first, nor the last, to deal with such problems.

When I buy from Newegg (and Amazon for that matter), I pay VERY close attention to who is actually providing the item I am considering.
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