Question I asked the dude to take a pic while changing my Xbox series x thermal paste as a proof and I got this

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Apr 28, 2022

Also another question:

I provided him my thermal paste which has a thermal conductivity >12.8 W/m-K
He refused to apply it due to “ reliability of my paste” he instead applied his own <Mod Edit> that has a thermal conductivity >3.05 W/m-K
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Is "dude" fixing two Xbox 's for you? Paste applications are different and I think both are wrong.

Why did "dude" put (if "dude" did so) blue masks (those circles) over the second image?

All and all I vote "BAD"

Get your Xbox back ASAP (As Soon As Possible) from "dude" without letting "dude" know beforehand.

You might not get your real unit back if "dude" knows beforehand.

Do not wait.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
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Is "dude" fixing two Xbox 's for you? Paste applications are different and I think both are wrong.

Why did "dude" put (if "dude" did so) blue masks (those circles) over the second image?

All and all I vote "BAD"

Get your Xbox back ASAP (As Soon As Possible) from "dude" without letting "dude" know beforehand.

You might not get your real unit back if "dude" knows beforehand.

Do not wait.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
Why so aggressive man chill out. You talk like I’m the dude and I’m afraid to ask to the forum if I applied the paste correctly or not.
this isn’t a joke is supposed to be a certified repair shop.
I was just asking some geek here if that much paste would create any problem
Did YOU apply that thermal paste?
Or did you have someone else do it?

Either way, that is TooMuch.

I literally paid a dude in the shop to do this man and also if I had applied it why would I ask you guys this:
Also another question:

I provided him my thermal paste which has a thermal conductivity >12.8 W/m-K
He refused to apply it due to “ reliability of my paste” he instead applied his own <Mod Edit> that has a thermal conductivity >3.05 W/m-K
question easy is it gonna work with that much paste?
Also is it gonna be a noticeable difference between 3 wmk and 12.8wmk?
Without knowing what specific TIM is being used, we can't assess if it will damage anything or not. If electrically conductive, you are in trouble. That stuff is going to spread like crazy and make a huge mess when re-assembled.
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Without knowing what specific TIM is being used, we can't assess if it will damage anything or not. If conductive, you are in trouble. That stuff is going to spread like crazy and make a huge mess when re-assembled.

man an admin deleted half of my message (cuz I was swearing lol) where it literally was the name of both paste:

my paste:
Maxtor Ctg8 (didn’t applied)
His paste:
HY610 (applied)
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This stuff?

Note it's performance here:

It claims to be 50% metal oxide components, I suspect that it is electrically conductive. That is going to come into contact with the the components around the processor core (die). I would be worried.

that is the stuff he applied instead of mine and actually applied as shown in the photo I posted up here

any comment on my chose? The one I wanted him to apply was actually good in your opinion?
Is "dude" fixing two Xbox 's for you? Paste applications are different and I think both are wrong.

Why did "dude" put (if "dude" did so) blue masks (those circles) over the second image?
It's the front and back panel, the mobo and the backplate, however you like to call them, both of them need thermal paste applied for it to make proper contact.

Blue stuff are thermal pads as already said.
Hopefully, he doesn't power it on. Buy the screwdriver and do yourself.

Ralston18 (above) had it right.
Or hopefully he does because if it burns out in front of him he might replace it, while if it leaves from his store "working" he probably wont.
Although I doubt anybody would be dumb enough to use a conductive thermal paste on electronics. I mean he did clean the crap out of the old paste so that at least shows some knowledge.
It's wrong. Period. The Xbox uses direct die, same as a gpu. Proper application (of any paste) would be to spatula or credit card the paste so the die is fully and completely covered and only needs doing on the die itself, not the heat plate as well.

Should never dump paste on direct die, far too easy to create airpockets or leave edges or corners uncovered.

Not to mention that's far too much paste and will smother the caps surrounding the die, insulating them and making them run hotter than is warranted. It's seriously a hot-mess. The first pic has more than enough paste by itself, probably more than necessary. Absolutely doesn't need that paste in the second pic, which is enough paste for 3 applications.

And a metal-oxide based paste?
Guys guys guys this is crazy I’m actually astonished how bad this is getting.
I asked the guy to open it and remove his paste, replace it with mine and send me a photo as proof holding a piece of paper with my name on it.



Also what is this pink ??!!


Also see the residue of the previous gold paste!
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Guys guys guys this is crazy I’m actually astonished how bad this is getting.
I asked the guy to open it and remove his paste, replace it with mine and send me a photo as proof holding a piece of paper with my name on it.



Also what is this pink ??!!


Also see the residue of the previous gold paste!
As suggested earlier, retrieve your Xbox and do yourself. Hopefully, it will survive this debacle.

Good luck.
Guys guys guys this is crazy I’m actually astonished how bad this is getting.
I asked the guy to open it and remove his paste, replace it with mine and send me a photo as proof holding a piece of paper with my name on it.



Also what is this pink ??!!


Also see the residue of the previous gold paste!
Meh, you overplayed your hand, this is just trolling now, either you are doing these things or the person is just messing with you.
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