Will my socket work correctly without them? Will it not work without these shutters?
How did you btw? Nevertheless, you have already done it.. You can go to service center and ask them to replace it, if it's replaceable..They will charge you some money, since it is physical damage. Also you try searching about it on youtube and Google.. If nothing helped you screwed it, get new mobo.. You have to be super cautious whenever you take your cpu or install cpu in the socket.. I think you have put down the extra pressure, and trying to forcefully open the shutter... Now it is done.. Since you have already broken it, you can try those steps which has been mentioned or get new mobo.. Nothing else, can be doneWill my socket work correctly without them? Will it not work without these shutters? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AvJ9ctgtDTWShB1Qfo5x4CvBXrK7?e=IB7Sa8
They just keep leaver locked in down position so CPU pins have correct contact tension. If you could keep it there no problem. Maybe a drop of hot glue?Will my socket work correctly without them? Will it not work without these shutters? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AvJ9ctgtDTWShB1Qfo5x4CvBXrK7?e=IB7Sa8