I built the pc but it wont turn on. whats the problem? Need Help ASAP


Dec 24, 2015
i am a first time builder. i followed every instruction on the pc building video. i plug everything in except for the cable in the first image which i dont know where to plug in. can somebody tell me why my pc wont start? can it be some of the connectors that i plug in into the power supply are in the wrong spot? i connected the cables from power supply to motherboard (including the cpu one) and the gpu. but i am thinking probably i plug in the wrong spot for the powersupply
the 8 pin connector that hard wired goes to the mb the other removable 6 plus 2 cables are for video cards;
on the image with the gpu. it looks like you missed the gpu pci slot on the mb as the card in the phone looks not in right. pop the pci slot cover one slot over to make sure the gpu is lined up also check for bent pins in the video slot. also on new gpu now they put covers over the pins of the gpu to protect it did you pull that cover off???

i am not sure what are u talking about but i think i did take the orange thing off
The only thing I noticed was you aren't using the ram slots closest to the CPU. Might want to try moving the ram sticks one slot to the left. I had a Gigabyte P55 board once that was really picky about which sticks and slots to use.

My only other thoughts are the normal is the power switch plugged in correctly? Because you have a modular PSU are they plugged in correctly? I'd double check those for sure.

should i take a picture of the power supply and show you so u can tell me if i can plug it in correctly? the normal switch should be plugged in correctly
is this the one that i need to plug in to the gpu?
when i zoomed on your image...the top standoff screw did not look right. did you use the brass screws to keep the mb off the mb tray and did you use the small siver not large black screws. sometime using the wrong screws on the standoffs can short out mb.

the gpu is locked in i am pretty sure

i used the screws in the nzxt box to screw it in ,i use the one that has like 4 or 5 screws which is not enough for me to screw in all the standoff. am i suppose to use the smaller one which has like 9-15 small screws in it to screw into the standoff? i use the one that is called 6-32 screw hexagon
I see PCIe plugs, but where does the 8pin motherboard plug go? Is it in the main ATX bundle of wires that's hard wired?

I meant to double check the case switch for the providing the "turn on" signal. Double check that it's correctly plugged into the motherboard.

it is in the main ATX bundle of wires that's hard wired,. after i plug in all of those pins. i still have 1 pcie connector left is it normal
Yes, if your GPU only needs one PCIe plug you will have another left over. Again, double check the power switch plug from the case to the board. That's often times not plugged in correctly. It needs to jumper the EXACT two pins that will provide the power up signal.

ok i will try and see if it works
It is not true. The 1060 is a ~150W card depending on model. A system running a single 1060 and normal CPU would need less then 300W while gaming.

Is there a reason you are avoiding my case question? I think I've asked 3 times now with you completely overlooking it. You said you are new, did you know you need to plug in the case plugs into the motherboard to get the power/reset buttons working? (along with the power/hdd LEDs.) You know how to upload photos, can you upload a photo of your board where the case plugs are?

i am assuming ur talking about the little connectors that come with the case


do u want me to plug them off and plug them back in again? just to make sure i plug them into the right position
Yes, I'm talking about the little connectors that come with the case. But there is too much glare in that photo for me to see anything. I also don't know which board you have so I can't look up to see where they are on the board. Read the manual, make SURE those case wires are in the correct spot.

Have you tried moving the ram sticks? I noticed in those photos the ram sticks are still using the set of slots farthest from the CPU. I'd still try moving them over one slot and see if that works. We also have a sticky about things to do when the PC doesn't power up. Have you tried going through that? I also don't see any system specs from you, it's time we all see what you have. Perhaps your CPU isn't compatible with your board, etc.


this is my list
the video show me that how to put my ram into the right position and i am using his
but i can change if needed
and i am gonna go through that right now