I buy new GPU and pc only beeps won't start.

Mar 20, 2018
Hi i want to ask 1 question i buy new GPU ASUS ROG STRIX GTX1050 O2G for my pc but when i put the GPU the pc onlu beeps every 10 to 15 seconds and the pc cant start heres my components:CPU Intel premium g620,Motherboard Foxconn H61MXL-K lga 1155,4gb ram ddr3,500 wats PSU but not real power and my old GPU is GTS 450 1gb.I was thinking that the problem is with the PSU but when my old gpu used around 106 wats and the new only 75 wats i dont think the PSU is the isue i also tride a ne PSU i was having the same problem,ore maby the Motherboard its too old for the GPU because when i put the old GPU the pc works fine.So if someone know what to do or have same experience please tell me.
Just to be sure that the issue is not that the PCIe slot on the motherboard, please put the old graphics card back in and make sure the system still turns on like it used to.

However, I'm pretty sure the issue is that your motherboard is simply too old for such a new graphics card. The VGA Support List for your board only goes up to the GTX 580. It doesn't even list Kepler (the 600 series), so I doubt the board supports Pascal (1000 series) cards.

i put the old GPU back and it works like is used to be

But isn't that too risky updating bios on motherboard?

Driving a car is also risky, and yet we do that everyday. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid some risk. As long as you do everything in correct way, the risk of updating BIOS is minimal (but not zero - sudden power outage during update is all it takes).

Old motherboards do not list compatibility beyond what was available during production, but the typically have no issues handling new cards.

Has the card bet tried in another system? If you have a PCIe slot, the card should work.

Foxconn motherboards are notorious for this kind of problem, I've seen more then one similar post on this forum.

No because i don't have another pc,but the card is new.
Anyway thx you all for traying to help me the problem is that the BIOS is too old so i ask a guy who works with computers he said the same thing that the BIOS is old but hi dont want to updaite the bios becose hi was scare for damaging the motherboard so i decide to sell the pc and buy new MB.CPU and RAM.By the way again thx you all for tryuing to help me 😀