i can not get my audio back i pulged in a xbox 360 controller to my hp laptop even with head set i have no audio at all plz he

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Jan 15, 2017
i can not get my audio back i pulged in a xbox 360 controller to my hp laptop even with head set i have no audio at all plz help
Right-click the small speaker icon - most likely in the lower right screen corner.

Select "Playback devices" and see what the default device is selected. Then select that device and take a look at all of the various tabs, properties and settings. Can go down a couple of levels.

Could be that the incorrect playback device is now the default or that some setting for the desired/necessary playback device needs to be reconfigured.
Right-click the small speaker icon - most likely in the lower right screen corner.

Select "Playback devices" and see what the default device is selected. Then select that device and take a look at all of the various tabs, properties and settings. Can go down a couple of levels.

Could be that the incorrect playback device is now the default or that some setting for the desired/necessary playback device needs to be reconfigured.
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