Question I cannot get PC to POST ?


Sep 5, 2018

I'm trying to get a PC with a Supermicro H8SCM-F mATX board to POST.
I'm getting 5 short beeps, then 1 long beep when powering up.
Tried all sorts of RAM - ECC Registered, non-ECC - still get the 5 short 1 long.
CPU is a Opteron 4386. I did read in a previous thread here that if the BIOS is an old version, only Opteron 4100 series CPUs will POST.
Okay, if this is the case, would I still get the 5 short 1 long BIOS beeps? What gets checked first in a POST procedure - compatible CPU or RAM?


Page A-1, 5 shorts, 1 long beep Memory error No memory detected in system
Would be a good idea to check and see if there are any pins bent or broken on the socket for the motherboard.

Your board has a BIOS recovery option;

********BIOS Recovery procedure*******
When you performed the Flash reprogramming, make sure you do not reboot or power down until the updates is completed
( typically within 5 minutes). If you fail to heed this procedure,
you will be left with a system that has a corrupted BIOS.
In the unlikely event that a Flash upgrade is interrupted catastrophically,
the BIOS may be left in an unusable state. However, SUPERMICRO's Flash ROMs have a special BIOS Recovery procedure
that can be performed. Recovering from this condition requires the following steps.

1. Copy the file from BIOS package and save into a USB drive
2. Rename the file to super.rom
3. Install the USB on the MB and remove other bootable device
4. While Power on the system, hit "ctrl + Home" keys several times
5. The USB LED turn on, but the screen is blank and some long beeps from onboard buzzer.
6. After the BIOS recovery is completed, 4 quick beeps and then system will reboot.
7. CMOS Checksum message will show, press F1 go into BIOS setup and then load optimal default settings or your custom BIOS setting.
8. Save setting and reboot system.

Pulled off the readme inside the zipped file, if you go looking for the BIOS file meant for updating. Perhaps see if that helps.