Question I can't change my bootcamp windows to mac,option+r is dont work

Jun 25, 2023
Hi,i have download windows 10 from mac for a year already,and a week ago,i find out that i cant change my windows os to mac os anymore.I have try a lot of way to get back to mac os like option,command+r, option+command+p+r...But sadly,they all dont work.And when i open bootcamp control panel,i dont see any disk on it.

my mac is MacBook Air air 2018 13inch. who can help me?
Any recent mac os updates or changes?

Where, if I understand correctly, did you get the Windows 10 OS to install on the mac?

When the attempted change to mac os fails are there any error messages or pop-up windows, etc.?

Perhaps some trial is version involved and the trial time limit was reached?
Yes,before i install windows 10OS from bootcamp,i update my mac to macOS 11
I download the window 10 OS from bootcamp.
No,i dont see any error messages or pop-up windows,etc

I dont ever try any trial version