I can't connect to steam half the time...

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Feb 26, 2014
Everything else works just fine: Skype is online, browser works just fine... EVERYTHING works fine EXCEPT steam!?

Not being able to connect last usually about 10mins max and happens a couple of times a week, but it's annoying...
It doesn't seem to be a fault in their servers since my friends can connect just fine...

Also, almost every time I boot to windows, steam can't connect at first. That last only a minute or less though.
If you have the beta steam enabled this is normal. Also, it is also normal if steams try to connect very early in the startup as the PC might not have been connected to router yet (received an ip).

If the problem persists and you have multiple failed logins in one session then reinstall steam.

I do have beta enabled. I never thought that would affect it...
And I thought it might be that the early logins failed because it hadn't connected to the router yet, but everything else works by the time I try steam, so I don't think that's it...

You usually have the failed attemp after updating. Isn't that right? After that you need to close and restart steam and that would fix the issue. It always does that to my steam with beta enabled. There is no reason to worry. If you have many problems, what fixed it for me, is a reinstall of the programm.

It happens just whenever not when it updates. I suppose it would make some sense if it had a problem right after the update, but it doesn't seem to be connected to the updates.
I haven't noticed it having problems connecting after an update. At least not more so than normally.

I suppose I could re-install, but from my experience as usual an advice as re-installing is to almost every specific program related problem, it has rarely helped me any. Unless there is a clear corruption of the files of some sort...

The next time I have a problem connecting I'll re-install and see if it happens again.
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