I can't drag and move a border to increase/decrease size like I always have. Windown 7 - I can drag and drop icons etc. Help


Jun 29, 2014
Windows 7 help. I have no problem draggin and dropping icons, pictures etc., but can no longer as of yesterday click on a border and increase or decrease the size of a window.
In the upper right corner are 3 boxes. The first minimizes the window to the task bar at the bottom of the screen; the middle one toggles between full screen and adjustable window size; and the last closes the window. Select the middle box and then you can adjust the window size. Also you can toggle between full screen with F11 and as an option under the view tab.
I guess I didn't explain myself well - (puter idiot here) I mean lthe the boxes (windows) within a page? Lie to make one column wider and another narrower. I always used to just *grab* it but it won't grab anymore - the mouse never changes to the doublearrow like it used to.
If I understand?? As an example open Computer from the Start Menu. You have a main area and another on the left. You want to adjust the width of those. There is a vertical line separating them that you mouse over and it will change to an arrow; left click once it is an arrow and you can drag the vertical separator. For other option look under the search window and you will see widow view options and a help assistant. All windows do not have the same options. Some have preview panes others do not and so on. If this is not what you are looking for we will keep trying :)
Does the pointer turn to a horizontal arrow? Do you have a gaming mouse that could be set to a profile?
Try going to Control Panel and use the mouse icon to check your settings. Make sure click lock is not on and try setting things to default. t click is the primary select, if it works to open programs or any other function, then the mouse is ok. What mouse are you using?
no horizontal arrow - I have no idea what set to a profile means. I know I didn't change anything between 2 days ago and today. I only show one mouse in control panel -Logitech® MX™518 Optical Gaming Mouse I also don't see a click lock on OR off, but it works for everything else except this problem.
Ok you may need to reset the folder options to default. To go back to the original settings, open any folder, click the Organize button, and choose Folder and Search Options. You can find a Restore Defaults button on each tab: General, View, and Search. Reset them to default and see if the function returns.
*sigh* didn't work, but I want to thank you for the effort. I have to go out for a while, and then bed when I come home. If you think of anything else great - I'll check in the morning. If not, thanks for the try.