Question I can't find the option to "port forwading"


Log into the router and refer to the User Manual to check configuration options and current settings.

Do not change anything. Simply determine there there are any viable port forwarding options available.

Just make note of the current settings (if any) and post accordingly.

Per @thestryker it may be that Virgin telco has locked out some router functions.

Do you also have a modem or any other router installed?
Jan 9, 2024
Log into the router and refer to the User Manual to check configuration options and current settings.

Do not change anything. Simply determine there there are any viable port forwarding options available.

Just make note of the current settings (if any) and post accordingly.

Per @thestryker it may be that Virgin telco has locked out some router functions.

Do you also have a modem or any other router installed?
yeah i have another router, this one:

but my main router which is also connected to my pc via cable is the one you said before


Getting a bit more complicated now....

Is that ZTE connected to the network?

Where and how?

Use the following generic line diagram to show how your network devices are connected:

ISP === (coax, DSL, fiber) ===> Modem ---->[WAN Port] Router [LAN Port] ----> [LAN Port] Office Wifi Access Point ~~~~> Wireless network devices

With other Router LAN ports -----> Wired network devices.

Be sure to identify each connected device by make, model, and IP address if possible.

On your main PC run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt.

Copy and paste the results into your next post.
Jan 9, 2024
Getting a bit more complicated now....

Is that ZTE connected to the network?

Where and how?

Use the following generic line diagram to show how your network devices are connected:

ISP === (coax, DSL, fiber) ===> Modem ---->[WAN Port] Router [LAN Port] ----> [LAN Port] Office Wifi Access Point ~~~~> Wireless network devices

With other Router LAN ports -----> Wired network devices.

Be sure to identify each connected device by make, model, and IP address if possible.

On your main PC run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt.

Copy and paste the results into your next post.
well, i don't know how to know that, but the other router is just to give wifi upstairs in my house, just that
Jan 9, 2024


That seems a bit strange to me.

Overall though I am not sure about how your overall service and devices are connected and configured.

So if Virgin Telco can and will open ports then so be it.....

Just be sure that you are not inadvertently signing up for more services and costs.
Jan 9, 2024
That seems a bit strange to me.

Overall though I am not sure about how your overall service and devices are connected and configured.

So if Virgin Telco can and will open ports then so be it.....

Just be sure that you are not inadvertently signing up for more services and costs.
well, i would love to find a way to open a myself, because i have asked them to open a port twice and they said "done" and when i went to my pc it said that the port that i have asked them to open was closed


Not sure what Virgin Telco did or what they tried to do.....

Still strange overall.

Try to get a sense of the bigger picture with respect to port forwarding, what it does, and how it is done.

Here is a link to get you started:

You can easily find other similar links and tutorials with a Google search. Apply search criteria relevant to your questions and port forwarding requirements.

Starting with the router hosting your network and the computers requiring port forwarding.

I found this link:

Log into the router first, look for and hopefully find the necessary windows (See Step 3 in the manual).

Make note of the current settings and carefully plan out what you need to configure and/or change.

Sketch out a simple diagram to help with the planning.

However, if you do not have admin access to the router then whoever does have admin access will need to set up port forwarding accordingly.

Very helpful if you have the plan in place beforehand.
here is where the "port forwarding" is supposed to be, but its just not there
That pretty much just confirms what I suggested about them removing it. There really isn't anything you can do if you're forced to use their hardware. You could try to explain the problem and find out if there's another one they could provide which does have the options.
Jan 9, 2024
That pretty much just confirms what I suggested about them removing it. There really isn't anything you can do if you're forced to use their hardware. You could try to explain the problem and find out if there's another one they could provide which does have the options.
to be honest, i don't want to change my router to another just to open one port
Maybe more important is do you actually have a public IP being assigned to the router. When a ISP disabled port forwarding they may also not give you public IP addresses. Without a public IP the port forwarding options will do nothing even if they exist.

I am unclear why the ISP would be so restrictive. I had assumed the router contain some kind of modem or optical connection. That does not appear to be the case it seem a rather standard router. You must have some kind of modem that the wan cable plugs into. You should be easily able to swap out the ISP router.

The only reason I can think of that they might restrict access is because the router has voice ports on it and they may have speical configurations to make that work. Are you buying telephone services from the ISP.
Jan 9, 2024
I wouldn't either, but if the ability to do so was removed your choices are limited since whatever they are doing isn't working.
ok, virgin telco told me that the port is open and that i have to configure my pc to make the port work, because it doesn't appear to me as open