I can't get over 60fps while recording skyrim with a 970! (Cant record in 1080p 60fps)

Nick Arno

Nov 2, 2014
I can not get over 60 fps on the recording when I'm recording skyrim.. Its still choppy when I use 30 fps.. I have an i5-4690k and a GTX 970.. I feel like I should be getting more power.. I simply don't understand.. I can't record 1080p 60fps with these components? also, would a second 970 help a bunch? feedback much appreciated. I just feel like I got robbed. I've tried so many recording settings with both bandicam and Dxtory.. None of this makes any sense to me. The whole point of this rig was to be very powerful for recording.. Also, I'm recording to a near empty intel 520 series 240gb SSD. So thats not the problem :/
Would upgrading to like a newer 1150 i7 help me out? like enough to the point dropping money on it is okay?


Depends on how serious you are. you can get a 4C/8T Xeon for about $230 and it will work in that socket.

I'm very serious about this.. If this chip can't pull its weight I need to get a new one. I was thinking i7-4790k. I was also wondering, would getting a second 970 Help at all? or would upgrading to a 980 be better?

Well if I was going to drop even another hundred on the i7...just for overclockability...

The Haswell E isn't that far from reach is all I'm saying. They are very well priced. If I was recording and streaming a lot I would consider that platform instead of just the plain 4 core i7.

Something like the Intel Xeon E3-1271 v3 Haswell 3.6GHz? This would be good for gaming and recording? Also, could you explain the benefits of haswell E?

Haswell E is the enthusiast grade platform for people who need a lot of power(cpu wise). By going with haswellE, you can get 6 cores all the way to 8, mind you that the 8core cpu is 1k.

It is also for people who need serious power for workstations. Mind you, that you record, the CPU will greatly affect the recording performance.


To anyone that reads this after experiencing similar problems.

Save some money and get the i7 4790 without he K , i7 4790k is better yes I know.
But using an i7 4790 and a r9 380 stockspeed I get a splendid recording 25 mb/s 60 fps with the AMD recording feature.
And OC an unlocked CPU is just for the cause of OC it because i don't know any single GPU setup consuming an i7's power while gaming.(titan Z and r9 295 x2 are on another level though.)

As for the i5 4690k
1. Overclock it and see if you notice a difference. If you don't then it is not the cpu bottlenecking. (go step 3)
2. If you see a rather noticable difference then you know the problem is the CPU.
3. Some recording programs interfere with the fps. eg. fraps, if you record at 30 FPS, you play at 30 FPS. I recommend indeed using shadowplay as this is less heavy to run parallel.

=> link Shadowplay (Nvidia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVzycg3Q1Rc
=> link Raptr AMD record (AMD) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL8Tgp38x3o