I can't view .AVI video files on the camera, but I can on my computer, why?

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May 8, 2017
The camera cannot read my .AVI files yet VLC Media Player can. I have it in the correct folder on the camera and it is named properly, as when I view it it recognizes the file but cannot view it, instead saying FILE ERROR. Is there some internal code the camera needs to recognize it? This is only a problem for certain video files that were already on the SD card when I swapped it between cameras, regardless the resolution, file type, and name scheme is the same as those natively recorded on said camera. Please help.
Was the .AVI file recorded using the camera that cannot view it? Can you record .AVI files on the camera that cannot read (play) the .AVI file on the SD card? If the files were already there then it is more than likely not a problem with the camera. When using an SD card you really need to format it in the camera it is going to be used in before you record any new files to the card. The file systems and folder structures are usually different between cameras from different manufacturers. Even if the camera is from the same manufacturer if the file type is different from what the current camera can record then it will cause problems with playback.
It was recorded on a different camera. All .AVI files that are recorded by the camera can be read by the camera. The one that it can't read is also an .AVI, but it was not recorded by said camera. Again, it follows the same naming scheme and has the same dimensions... whether it's simple metadata or something more complex is what I'm lost on. The computer, SD card, and camera are all fine and working... it's just that I'm trying to put something through the structure in the wrong direction. My question is: how do I do that?
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