I cleaned my laptop screen with Methylated spirit that formed a stain. Can this go away?


Dec 21, 2016
Hi everyone.
I cleaned my laptop screen with methylated spirit and some of it spilled on the left side. I followed all instructions by unplugging the power cord, removing the battery and lying the computer on the side and leaving it in rice for 48 hours.

However, when I turned it on, everything is working fine except for a dark stain in the bottom left side of the screen. Will this go away with time? Should I consider taking it for repair? Is it a serious problem as it bothers me.

I have taken a picture of the affected area here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/141749423/images/IMAG0034.jpg

Thank you for your help.
As the stain is at or near the bottom I agree with AppleGwava, the meths has seeped in, but meths is spirit-based so it should have evaporated by now. Still, it wasn't the wisest product to use for screen cleaning just to avoid spending a few quid on the proper stuff! Lesson learned perhaps?
As the stain is at or near the bottom I agree with AppleGwava, the meths has seeped in, but meths is spirit-based so it should have evaporated by now. Still, it wasn't the wisest product to use for screen cleaning just to avoid spending a few quid on the proper stuff! Lesson learned perhaps?

Yep! Lesson learned indeed. Thank you for your response. I guess I will have to use it like that. It doesn't seem so bad when I think of it. But thanks!!! I will not use that anymore. I will use proper screen cleaning products from now on!