i dont have a certain screw that came with my 300r can i just use a regular stand off screw?


Jun 1, 2013
i have a 300r and i dont have a certain screw that came with the case. its this screw


can i just replace that screw with a regular stand off screw like one of these?

They make standoff screws in different sizes so I'd think you could find a replacement. Typically from what I've dealt with, stand off screws have a slimmer male thread that screws into the motherboard tray and bottoms out against the hex barrel leaving a female thread hole. Then a hex cap screw is screwed through the mounting hole in the motherboard into the barrel of the standoff screw.

In the pic you posted of your setup, is that standoff secured to the motherboard tray or is it just resting there loose? Because it looks upside down (narrow part up and barrel against the tray) with nowhere to screw into. Maybe it's a different type of standoff, because in the second pic you posted of the standoffs I see some that look similar to...
They make standoff screws in different sizes so I'd think you could find a replacement. Typically from what I've dealt with, stand off screws have a slimmer male thread that screws into the motherboard tray and bottoms out against the hex barrel leaving a female thread hole. Then a hex cap screw is screwed through the mounting hole in the motherboard into the barrel of the standoff screw.

In the pic you posted of your setup, is that standoff secured to the motherboard tray or is it just resting there loose? Because it looks upside down (narrow part up and barrel against the tray) with nowhere to screw into. Maybe it's a different type of standoff, because in the second pic you posted of the standoffs I see some that look similar to yours - just a narrow peg without threads (middle of the right side of the photo vs the threaded variety in the lower left of the photo).

If all else fails, what about contacting your motherboard manufacturer and telling them which board you have and asking if they have replacement standoffs they'll sell you or maybe even send you for free. Antec did that for me when I needed replacement grommets for my hard drive mounts, they sent me a pack of them for free.
I stand corrected. According to reviews of the corsair carbide 300r case, it has just that one standoff without threads. It's not a standoff, but a single alignment pin. The 'standoffs' are built into the motherboard tray rather than using traditional screw in standoffs. It appears you use the alignment hole, then screw through the motherboard directly into the raised portions of the motherboard tray which has an integral extruded thread hole.

If you don't have that stand off locator pin shown in the pic, then I'd contact corsair about a replacement. Consensus is, the integral standoff holes built into the tray work well for most motherboards with the exception of micro atx boards which leaves a portion of the board unsupported.