I Dont know if i got SCAMMED


Aug 14, 2014
So this is my first build and the computer is not reponding (turning on), i think i might of been scammed, when i brougt the power supply, its a atx corsair 500w psu, i brought it for £25 brand new with orginal packing what not but it tends to retail for £45. I havent yet connected my hard drive to the computer however i dont think this should matter, when i try and turn the computer on, nothing happens.

If first build double or tripple check the case power on switch is connected to correct pins on the motherboard

And if psu has a switch that it is on

If that fails try another mains power lead

Finally read up on using a paper clip to start up the psu

Toms has a faq on building new pc's which fail to post
Follow that all the way through

Mike Barnes

Mike Barnes

Hi there,

thank you for replying, ill try that now, could you please link with the clip method please.

thank you so much for the guidance and support you have given me, the power supply works. I tried the paper clip method and it is functional

I have checked that the power supply is not faulty (using the paper clip method) and it is not, I have unplugged and plugged all the connectors to the motherboard, but yet no reponse. The only place I might have gone wrong is the front pin connectors, if you could help that would be great, the motherboard is an "asus m5a78l-m plus/usb3" the manual is near enough useless. the motherboard has a mini diagram of the front panel assignment, however it is hard to understand, if you could help that would be great.

Many thanks

Do you have a smart phone with QR code scanner?

The front panel and other connections have their own user guide which require taking a picture of the QR code in the use manual

There is a row of 4 pins and 5 pins.
the power button pins are on the 4 pin row

.... | |
x x x x

x x x x x


I hope this helps

M Barnes

Hi there,

this has been very helpful, however i think that the mobo might be faulty as it shows no sight of life, is there a method to check whether the mobo is faulty?

Many Thanks

So i tired it and yet nothing happen, the psu fan span for a second when i tired to turn the computer on.
photo of me doing it, i did have the VGA cable pluged in, but took it out

do you see any error in the assigement of the connectors?

what should i do now? when ever i try and power the computer on the fan just fans for half a sec and then stops.. :'(