I flipped the voltage switch while my pc was on.


Oct 11, 2017
So I live in the US and I flipped the red switch in the back. It was on 115 and then I switched it to 230 and then back to 115 while the pc was on. None of the ports on my motherboard and graphics card will work but the front ports on the case will. I can't see anything on my monster because it's like there is no power going back there. The fans on the cpu, gpu, and psu are working. Any suggestions on how to fix?
Later/better PSUs have protections in place as far as over-voltage and over-amperage are concerned but those protect the rest of the system against the surges by the PSU itlsef, however, the PSUs are kind of vulnerable to voltage surge and fluctuations in the AC input.

I'm guessing that is an old PC as the PSU has voltage selection switch on it. Probably the PSU died of old age and not necessarily because of the switch change. If your lucky it's just the PSU and not the MOBO

That PSU should be tested (also the MOBO(. Probably broken/dead PSU and could have damaged the MOBO.

'how to fix'? Replace the parts you broke.
Probably the PSU, maybe the motherboard...
Later/better PSUs have protections in place as far as over-voltage and over-amperage are concerned but those protect the rest of the system against the surges by the PSU itlsef, however, the PSUs are kind of vulnerable to voltage surge and fluctuations in the AC input.

I'm guessing that is an old PC as the PSU has voltage selection switch on it. Probably the PSU died of old age and not necessarily because of the switch change. If your lucky it's just the PSU and not the MOBO

That PSU should be tested (also the MOBO(. Probably broken/dead PSU and could have damaged the MOBO.