So basically i have the weirdest problem i have seen ever. So my problem started few days ago when my pc would lose image. I would just plug hdmi in and out and it would work. But today i had no display so i turned off the pc, plugged everything off and put diffrent hdmi and it worked. So after that i shut it down put everything back together ( i opened the case so i can see if the fans are spining) and after that i plug everything back in and no display again. I check that hdmi on the laptop and it works. So again i plugged everything off execpt the hdmi and power and turn it on and it works. So after it boots up, i turn everything on, mouse keyboard, headphones and everything and it works but if i plug everything in before it doesent show display. I forgot to mention that if i plug everything on i hear no beeps but when i just plug in power and hdmi it posts sucessfuly with one extra beep which means keyboard is not plugged in. So i was wondering if anybody can help me with that. Maybe i oversaw something because this doesent make sense...