I get washed out colors in full hd and 2k please help! 4K TV and gaming pc


Dec 19, 2016
Hello! I have been playing games in 4k resolution on my samsung ue40hu6900 4k tv with pc. I have a gtx 1070. Because i only get about 30fps at new games i would like to sometimes play in 60fps but i can only do if i turn the resolution down.
My question: why do i get washed out colors if i set any other resolution than 4096x2160?
It is a huge difference. Even 2K looks worse than a 720p monitor... is there a way i can make the colors stay same as at the highest res? My PS4 has good colors in 1080p on this tv. How does it work? Thanks for the answers!!!

Yes but now i realised the problem. It was the hdmi uhd color setting was enabled on tv. I plugged intomanother hdmi port with no uhd color enabled and i got full hd 60hz and native color. My new problem is the 2k. I can only get 30hz cause the tv only supports 2k 60hz if i enable uhd color but then i will have washed out colors under 4k so i have no idea how to get 2k 60hz and native color maybe i cant get.
Check the Nvidia Control Panel/Change Resolution. Tick Use Nvidia Color Settings and make sure Output Dynamic Range is set to FULL, not LIMITED. See if that makes any difference. On my 1080p/60 Hz HDTV, any time an Nvidia card is used, it auto goes to limited.
Limited Range is RGB 16-235 color signal. Full Range is RGB 0-255. I don't know if that works the same way on your better TV, but it is worth a try.
It doesnt work:/ i tried everything. Full hd 60fps only works if i change hdmi and i get good colors but 2k doesnt work like this only jn 30hz. At 60hz 2k gets washed out no matter what i do. To be clear everything gets washed out above full hd at 60hz, only the max resolution working fine.