Today I experience a power outage that lasted for two minutes. My custom built desktop, pc monitor, and my roommates televisions turned off. when the power came back all the devices that were turned on couldn't turn on anymore except for one tv and my pc monitor. Everything else worked perfectly (phone chargers, lights, fans, fridge etc.) after a few hours the tvs could turn on again except for my desktop. I disconnect everything and test the Power supply using the paperclip method and the PSU works and powers up. So I bought a new PSU (exact same model) and it arrived at my house two hours later thanks to amazon primenow. I test the new psu using paperclip and it works. So I hook up 24 pinconnecter and cpu power cable and I use a flat head to try to power up the computer, but nothing happens there no sounds or lights popping up. I then try to reconnect everything all the cables, ram, graphics card. But the computer still won't turn back on. I tried different power outlets but nothing works. How do I know if my motherboard dead? My custom pc is fairly new I bought all the parts back in May 2017?
I need help how can I test if the Mb or if the cpu is dead?
I need help how can I test if the Mb or if the cpu is dead?