I'm one of those unfortunate souls who actually makes their living by building software. Configuring web browsers isn't a hobby for me either, so I have no desire whatsoever to spend time customizing my current browser or trying another one. If it works and it works transparently then I can get on to my work. Not being willing to spend my time tinkering with browsers is not the same as being averse to change.
You seem to have a misguided idea of what something like this would actually involve (especially for a software designer, of all people).
First, we're not talking about compiling your own kernel here. We're talking 5-15 minutes of your time going through Recommended addons for basic scenarios like yours, and then perhaps occasionally browsing the addon library for stuff you feel would be great to have, like Copy PlainText, Duplicate Tabs Closer, Open Multiple URLs, etc. It's really not much different from going into a program's settings to customize its options to fit your needs.
Second, as a Chrome user, you should already be familiar with addons. Their addon functionality is more primitive compared to that of Firefox (and they don't allow them on Android, or at least they didn't), but it's there and you're not using it, you are already missing out on some essential stuff like uBlock Origin and so on.
Lastly, there is a huge privacy issue. I added the link to my earlier posts after you quoted it, so perhaps you missed it, but in short, Google's Chrome is basically a form of spyware at this point.
So, being averse to change or getting out of your comfort zone is exactly what it sounds like. "My internet is working and it's good enough for me", et cetera.