I am going to assume that recommendation is based on your hardware (GTX950) and its ability to run the game, i think they believe it will play better FPS if you have it at that resolution....
can i change it or something ? when i trying to optimize a game in the gefroce expreince the recommended resolution is also 1280/1024 but i would likt to play on 1920/1080
If your monitor is not an HD monitor you will not be able to run in 1920x1080 (or 1080p). It may be 16:9 but it sounds like your Monitor is maxed at 1280x1024.
Right click on the desktop and select Display Settings, check resolution and it will advise you of the maximum resolution you can run at. Im guessing its 1280x1024 but you never know !!!
i have Msi gtx 950 2g gaming oc , and an i5 6500 with 8g ram , i playing cs go on max settings with 1080p , i just want to know why the recommened resolution is 1280/1024 and not something that matching 16:9 ratio monitor ,
1920x1080 16:9
1280x1024 5:4
I am going to assume that recommendation is based on your hardware (GTX950) and its ability to run the game, i think they believe it will play better FPS if you have it at that resolution....