I have 16 gb of ram and its running at 100 % in idle


Apr 25, 2014
I have just build my first PC and i'm having issues with the ram. Currently i have 16gb or kingston hyperx 1866mhz ram and when i'm doing some very light tasks it all gets used up restarting helps for a while but as fast as the ram is full it stays so. Below is an image of it doing so, thanks in advance for the help.

You have a memory leak. Try switching from Chrome to Firefox. Also add CleanMem that prevents the memory from getting used up as it releases the unused memory when the programs close.

Hello digitaldoc the above solution helped at first but my memory still gets used up from time to time, is there any other fix ?
From your screenshot, you have a lot of background processes running. I don't leave my computer on, which means I reboot it daily, and recommend others do the same. You should also have less things load automatically upon startup to limit the background processes.

With 16 GB of RAM, you should have plenty for whatever you need to do. My main system uses 4 GB still and does fine!