[SOLVED] I have 2 drives in raid 0, can i add another hdd without including in raid

Jan 9, 2020
So I recently decided to try my first RAID 0. I bought 2 x 1 tb SSD and installed them in RAID 0, works awesome! I'm wondering if I can add another hard drive via SATA that wouldn't be i n the RAID setup but just be like an external drive, only internal. I have an external but would like to add to my storage space. So I need to know if my next drive needs to be internal or external? Thank you so much!!
With individual drives, you can have them in whatever combination of type and size you want.

In my sig line below, parts list. 7 drives, different sizes. No RAID in sight.
It's a bad idea? I guess i didn't do my research. I've never had a hard drive fail on me so i don't typically make myself a backup, anything important enough to not want to lose ends up on my phone. So if I undid the RAID on my drives could I add another drive that isn't SSD safely? I want alot of storage so i dont have to keep reinstalling games.
RAID 0 is absolutely a bad idea, especially with SSD's.
Provides no performance benefit, and is much more fragile regarding data loss.
1TB + 1TB + RAID 0 = 2TB drive space.
1TB + 1TB + no RAID 0 = 2TB drive space, just with 2 drive letters.

Backups? Yeah, you need to do that as well. Physical drive fail is by far not the only way to have a bad afternoon.

You can add drives in whatever type you want. More SSD, HDD, whatever.
I have a windows 7 based backup for my current PC build. It's my 3rd pc build and changing to two 1tb drives in raid0 is my latest "upgrade" i had a 250gb and a 4tb external. I want to add more Hard drive space. I don't leave anything on my computer that i am not willing to lose so my data backup is covered. So what you're telling me is i dont need my SSD in raid 0? And if i took them out of raid 0 i could add a regular HDD of lets say 10 tb with no problem?
Essentially what im saying is I'm not worried about losing my data. But if I can get more life out of my drives I'm game. So if my benefit of running RAID 0 is negligable then I'd rather unRAID and add another non SSD with high capacity.
Thank you very much for the help! I've already created a fresh windows install and remembered to include my internet driver this time, I forgot last time so i had to go through my phone haha.
Thanks again!