intel's core i series' k cpus can be overclocked from 2500k to 3930k and at the top 4960x. sandy bridge-haswell core i3, pentium, celeron cannot be oc'ed using cpu clock ratio multiplier.
sb and ivb core i5 and i7 non-k cpus can be oc'ed by limited amount by changing turbo (4 bins above base clockrate) multipliers. in some motherboards, those non-k cpus can be oc'ed further using a tweak called multi core turbo/enhancement that applies top single core turbo clockrate on all 4 cores. afaik, haswell non-k i5 and i7 cpus can't be partially oc'ed anymore. however, the mce/mct settings exist in z87 motherboards. both type of oc violate warranties.
if vendors want, they can implement oc tweaks in bios e.g. asrock (or was it msi...)...