i have a hard drive with Windows 8.1/8(from a laptop), will i have 2 OS if i connect it to a Vista PC


May 5, 2015
i have a hard drive with windows 8.1/8(cant remember exactly) on it(from a laptop), and i have a Pc with vista on it, so if i plug in the the other harddrive into the Vista PC (using usb adapter) will I have 2 OS?
Yes you will have 2 OS, you just won't be able to boot into W8.

W8 is currently configured to work with your laptop hardware, it's not smart enough (unbelievable right in 2015) to notice, "oh I am in a new house now, I will reconfigure myself to work in the new box" - NOPE.

On top of that, Windows normally doesn't let you boot from a removable. I say normally because experienced folks have found way around it, but that will be up to you to Google.
Yes you will have 2 OS, you just won't be able to boot into W8.

W8 is currently configured to work with your laptop hardware, it's not smart enough (unbelievable right in 2015) to notice, "oh I am in a new house now, I will reconfigure myself to work in the new box" - NOPE.

On top of that, Windows normally doesn't let you boot from a removable. I say normally because experienced folks have found way around it, but that will be up to you to Google.