W whtrhn Distinguished Sep 2, 2011 1 0 18,510 Sep 2, 2011 #1 I recently aquired a HP a620n that has Lenix . I need to change the user name and password in order to use it. Any suggestions?
I recently aquired a HP a620n that has Lenix . I need to change the user name and password in order to use it. Any suggestions?
Ubrales Polypheme Dec 3, 2009 13,240 11 61,465 Sep 4, 2011 #2 Re-install the Operating System. Upvote 0 Downvote
bmouring Distinguished May 6, 2006 1,215 0 19,360 Sep 10, 2011 #3 If you're hell-bent on accessing the OS that is installed, if the previous user didn't encrypt the filesystem, you can boot a livecd and change the user's password (and look at the /home/ directory to find out the users) Upvote 0 Downvote
If you're hell-bent on accessing the OS that is installed, if the previous user didn't encrypt the filesystem, you can boot a livecd and change the user's password (and look at the /home/ directory to find out the users)