I have a laptop with intel i5(4210U) processor CPU @1.7GHz 2.4 GHz A GPU from NVIDIA 820M (340.1 Driver version) 2gb video mem

I really don't think you can. I hate to say it, but that laptop isn't designed for gaming. I'd be surprised if you had a good experience playing something even as light as League of Legends.

Your CPU isn't powerful enough and that GPU isn't up to par either.
I really don't think you can. I hate to say it, but that laptop isn't designed for gaming. I'd be surprised if you had a good experience playing something even as light as League of Legends.

Your CPU isn't powerful enough and that GPU isn't up to par either.
your laptop is not designed for gaming still gta V is a great PC port with great optimization so you will be able to run it and some other great pc port games as well but only on lower settings