i have a Nvidia graphic driver issue.


Feb 16, 2017
i recently upgraded my VGA from 750ti to 1050ti, both asus.
when i had my 750ti, i always use the nvidia driver version 340.52, always. its because for a reason i dont know, i couldnt upgrade to the higher version. when i tried to install the higher version, it wasnt detected at all. the nvidia control panel was gone, the asus gputweak kept saying that i need to install the vga driver, and i couldnt play any game because the games said that i need the driver. thats why i chose to upgrade the vga, i thought my 750ti was the problem.
and then.
when i first installed my 1050ti, the same problems come back. i cant do anything now. the nvidia version that i used (340.52) doesnt support 1050ti. by the time i write this thread, i have the newest version of the driver (378.66), but the problems are still exist. therefore, im unable to do anyting.
in start->control panel->uninstall, in this list, it says that i have the new driver installed, but even the nvidia control panel isnt exist, gputweak still says that i need to install the driver. my display resolution is 1280x1024, because my pc doesnt detect any graphic driver.

TL;DR -> any Nvidia drivers which is beyond 340.52 dont detected to my PC, causing many problems. Why is it?

Im a newbee PC user, but ive tried to use DDU, install every 1050ti-supporting driver versions and others. the problems are still exist. if any of you readers know how to solve the problems, i would appreciate it so much. thanks!
try to reinstall your driver using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and use the recommended option which is going into safe mode and uninstall and clean your installed driver...
if it still persists, try to reinstall again but this time get your display driver on Windows Update...sometimes you can get the driver that will work for you via Windows Update...

ive tried DDU, but never in safe mode. ill try the Safe mode now, and the windowns update one. thanks for the respone and i will update the situation. thanks again!