Question I have a problem with AOC G2490VX Gaming Monitor ?

Dec 14, 2024
مرحبًا، لدي شاشة ألعاب AOC مختلفة تحديث 144 هرتز بتقنية Freesync. في كل مرة بدأت بالتغيير إلى معدل تحديث 144 هرتز، تحدث عن مشكلة غريبة للغاية، حيث ترى وميضًا وألوانًا غير محددة،

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Hi, I have a different AOC gaming monitor 144hz with Freesync. Every time I start changing to 144hz refresh rate, I get a very strange issue, where I see flickering and undefined colors?
Have you tried using a newer video cable. I had flickering on my monitor, so I found that I was using a 1.2 display port version cord. I checked my monitor and discovered it was using 1.4 version. I upgraded to a 1.4 version display port cable and my flickering went away (except for loading screen which still flickers).
Another thing to check is your color settings, make sure the desktop color setting is set to highest, output color depth is set correctly, usually 8-to-10-bit, output color format, which is normally RGB, and your dynamic output range is set to full.