I have a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro #96755 with a 16 pin serial port plugged into my Creative labs Audigy 2 sound card. The joystick works on all but LockOn Flaming cliffs 2 flight simulator, but DOES work on the first version of LOCK ON (non multiplayer). I can see the joystick under Game Ports and Controllers but NOT in DEVICES AND PRINTERS or with in the game menu in Flaming Cliffs 2.
I'm wondering if i need a serial to USB adaptor to work for LOCKON FLAMING CLIFFS 2? I read long ago something about it needed to be special wired. Or should I just GIVE UP? THANKS ALL!!
I'm wondering if i need a serial to USB adaptor to work for LOCKON FLAMING CLIFFS 2? I read long ago something about it needed to be special wired. Or should I just GIVE UP? THANKS ALL!!