I have a very complex issue in which I lose connection (on Ethernet) and lag spiking my game but only happens on some games

Feb 10, 2019
Games such as For Honor and apex legends have been giving me such a hard time. For example i could be playing a game and get a Massive 5-20 second lag spike. But after that i would be normal until it happens again.
I've tried
*Restaring everything (Modem router and computer)
* changing Ethernet cables
* changing DNS
* disabling all other network properties
*Deleting the games and re downloading
*restoring and verifying files
The only weird part is In some cases audio of my friends cut out and sometimes it doesn't In very confused and just want to have a good gaming experience it there anything that i could do?
You need to determine if it is something with your PC or your internet connection.

Open a couple cmd windows and leave a constant ping run to your router IP and to some address like

If you have issue to your router then it is likely something inside your house. If that one is ok but there are problems to then you have a actual network issue. If neither show the problem then it is likely the game itself causing it or there is a issue with issue getting to the ISP the game company uses.
I have tried connecting it to the DNS server yeah I don’t think that is the issue given the fact that when I turn my PC on the Wi-Fi the same issue had occurred rolling out the fact that it could’ve been my PC I have a feeling that it’s My router but I want to be sure before I buy one is there anyway to test that specifically

Router issues you have few options. You could look for a newer firmware and hope it is a bug. You might see the problem with a ping to the router but it all depends on what is wrong with the router.

If you have the option to plug your PC directly into the modem that would let you test and see if the problem went away. If your router is modem/router combo unit then you do not have that option.

It is not very common for the router to cause the problem but when you suspect it is the problem you have few options other than to blindly replace the device and hope it was the issue.