I have an old speaker set that makes a buzzing noise when plugged into an outlet should I worry about this damaging my pc

Oct 11, 2015
I have a speaker set about 10 years old that my next door friend game me as I don't have any other speakers for my pc. When these speakers are plugged into the wall the subwoofer makes a buzz/humm noise> Can these speakers be shorting out my pc components as they are plugged into my pc? Or possibly damaging any components by being plugged in. They are plugged in with a green audio input but they have thee inputs on the same cord one is black one is orange and one is green, it works with just the green one plugged in but should i plug in the others? These speakers are plugged into the wall and into my pc. Thank you

Ps sorry for bad English
The buzzing noise is just electrical feedback on the wire. its fine, if you want make sure that its connected to the PC tight and the buzzing should stop when not turned up a ton and sounds playing through them.

also plug in the other cables, the black and orange one into the black and orange plugs, one controls the sub, pretty sure the orange. If you touch the tips of these connections with your finger and the speakers turned up you will be able to replicate the feedback noise, just make sure they are all plugged in.

If left unplugged and touching something it could cause feedback resulting in the buzzing.

No it will not damage your computer either, as the plugs are actually audio outputs, they are not taking information in, only putting it out.

could it damage my pc?
The humming or buzzing you here can be down to a few things, I will list the potential causes for you.

1. A bad earth or a ground on the speaker cable or the jack that may connect to the speaker set.

2. If the unit has it`s own plug and power supply, with volume setting, and treble and base setting. The unit has a transformer in the main part of it that is oscillating, or has no adequate shielding to prevent EMI interference.

3. Other devices you connect the 2.5mm jacks to such as the back audio ports such as the computer have a bad earth or grounding point, or are giving out an EMI field.

4. If you have the Amplifying unit of the speaker set in close proximity to the tower or a computer monitor, place it further away from these devices if you can. If the buzzing, or humming becomes less the problem is electromagnetic interference, and not a bad earth on either of the devices.

It should not do any damage to the system it is connected too, though the sound is very annoying isn`t it.